The Ultimate Super Heroes

Our store covers all the most badass, tough, and iconic comic book superheroes ever created from both the DC and Marvel Universe and the more non-traditional or underground comic books.

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Little Kid - Big Stories


As a child watching television, reading books and comics and also being told stories from parents, grand-parents and loved ones, probably the most enduring memories of these that we carry with us into adulthood, is the archetypal Good vs Evil narrative. There would be nothing better for us to envisage, than our Hero or Heroine, doing battle with an evil villain or villains and overcoming personal adversity to defeat them.


This type of story has been with us for as long as the human race could communicate with each other. Their recollections of heroic deeds that saved the day, be it to save someone, or feed the family, these stories have endured the millennia. Often these tales would serve as a lesson, and fire the imagination to inspire others to keep going, persevere and overcome the obstacles and troubles they face.


Earliest man depicted his battles by illustrating them on the walls of caves and dwelling places. From then, to this day, illustrations, drawings and other representations, including animation and movies have become more and more complicated. They have served as historic references and often, have also mirrored the history of mankind, some serving as a warning of a cataclysmic alternative future.


From Mesopotamia?s Epic of Gilgamesh, to The Bible, to Ancient Cultures of Egypt, Greece and Rome, to Viking Tales and Arthurian Legend, from The Dark Ages, The Middle Ages right to present day ? Heroes and Villains, Gods and demons abound, and continue to enthral children and adults of all ages. Many ancient tales and lessons are still valid today, as is the tradition to pass the stories down through the generations. We all have our favourites, good and bad characters, some we respect, and some we fear.


No matter what, we all enjoy a good story. Luckily for us, today, the imaginings of great writers, animators and movie makers, provide us with plenty of material to enjoy, and indulge our fantasies, in realms that are full of infinite possibilities.


I am sure as children we all constructed our own multiverse, and filled it with Ultimate Superheroes and Villains, where the battles were as big and bold as our imagination. Many of us as adults still visit these places in our day dreams and the battles still rage.

DC, Marvel or underground comics

It doesn't matter if heroes are from either the DC and Marvel Universe, or the more non-traditional or underground comic books, we have them covered.

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